Tanfasoft : IT and consulting services Software Development

We assist our customers in their development projects and offers innovative solutions for successful and adapted information systems.

DevOps & DataOps:

  • People

Our experts guide our clients through the design and implementation of the different processes.

  • Processes

Our change management approach facilitates the adoption of the required new habits and mindsets. Specific business functions solution

Innovative FinTech Solutions.

Not only do we help our clients choose the best fit for their needs, but we also help them to implement their chosen solutions.

  • Bespoke Application Development

We build bespoke solutions for our clients when no existing software in the market meets their needs. This service is provided through our nearshore centre.

Talent sourcing:

  • Talents

We have built our community of diverse talents over the years. We know each one of them and we endeavour to offer them the best opportunities that match their skills and their career aspirations.

  • Clients

Our long-term relationships with our clients and our understanding for their business allow us to grasp what they need and swiftly provide them with candidates following a rigorous selection process.

  • Outsourcing
  • Remote Talents

Whether to expand the capacity of a client’s team or to provide access to excellent remote experts that are hard to find locally.

  • Project Delivery

To deliver a part of a transformation project or an upgrade on an enterprise platform or even to build a bespoke application.

  • Managed Services

To support production for enterprise platforms or any FinTech that we cover or to provide Testing as a Service.

Advisory services:

  • Specific Business Functions

Any types of business case studies, pricing architecture, model validation, data exploitation…

  • Operation

Target operating model, new way of working (Agile and DevOps), process optimisation…

  • Technology

IT architecture review, software selection, transformation programmes strategy, testing automation and CI-CD…

Enterprise platforms integration:

  • Greenfield Implementation
  • Upgrade
  • Extension of Scope

Avenida da Boavista, Numero 1679, 2°2.9 Porto, Portugal

Aziz Yassi +33 625 974 750

Email: contact@tanfasoft.com